Senin, 09 Februari 2015

My FUN Day

Hello, My Name Is Andreas i want to tell you about my apecial experience in a week ago. I begin from Monday.

Monday, January 26th

 I started the day by preparing uniforms and iron them until smooth.
But, because the ironing takes quite a long time then finally my bath time is reduced.
I went to school more than during the previous,Because if time is shown at 06, the streets become crowded and a little jam. it was the start of my bad day. Then after arriving at school when I want to park my bike, it's crowded parking lot, and finally I got the rear parking lot. so far away.
 because every Monday held a flag ceremony, and incidentally that should ceremony  is the tenth grade, I forgot my tie and hat and then I looking for that to my senior. finally, i got it and I do flag ceremony as usual.

Tuesday, January 27th - Thursday 29th
Thursday until Thursday is the most lazy day, because the math lesson. When the teacher entered the classroom, he immediately sent forward his to do what he wanted. very bored. and when the Assembly lesson started, everyone cannot do anything except attending the teacher.

Friday, January 30th 
Friday is the most busy day, because every lesson has homework and the homework is not easy the homework is mostly from productive lesson. is very busy day but i do it FUN because I Love productive lesson.

Saturday, Januari 31th

In Saturday i think same with another day, I Will followed the scout ceremony, doing extracurricular and go home to sleep. But when I was finished my activity in school, My Friend from IC,SC,BON CABE, and DUO KELINCI group text me from BBM. They say that I must be to go with they for Vacation to Coban Pelangi. Im so confused, because I have no preparation. Then I went to Dion's House and GO!. I rode with my bestfriend, Shinta. We talking about all things until we arrived to COBAN PELANGI. In COBAN PELANGI we take many pictures in there we want to take picture until our memorycard is full. Dont you know the scenary is very beautifull!!.
 After we have fun in the waterfall, we must go back to the top because its rainy. We walked to the top with wet clothes because of rain. 
Our next trip is tavern (warung) to ate something. we requested special menu.
After we do all the trip, we go home. Thats very Funny Day. 

Senin, 22 September 2014

Kabel STP

Kabel yang punya nama panjang Shielded twisted pair ini adalah jenis kabel telepon yang digunakan dalam beberapa bisnis instalasi. Terdapat pembungkus tambahan untuk tiap pasangan kabel,Kabel STP juga digunakan untuk jaringan Data, digunakan pada jaringan Token-Ring IBM. Pembungkusnya dapat memberikan proteksi yang lebih baik terhadap interferensi EMI.

Kabel STP memiliki kelebihan  Pada kabel stp, didalamnya terdapat satu lapisan pelindung kabel internal sehingga melindungi data yang ditransmisikan dari interferensi/gangguan stp (shielded twisted pair), selain dililitkan, juga punya proteksi terhadap induksi atau interferensi sinyal dari luar kabel berupa lapisan kertas alumunium foil, sebelum jaketpembungkus luar.
Kekuranganya, Attenuasi meningkat pada frekuensi tinggi.
Pada frekuensi tinggi, keseimbangan menurun sehingga tidak dapat mengkompensasi timbulny,harganya cukup mahal.

Media transmisi digunakan pada beberapa peralatan elektronika untuk menghubungkan antara pengirim dan penerima supaya dapat melakukan pertukaran data. Beberapa alat elektronika, seperti telepon,komputer televisi dan radio membutuhkan media transmisi untuk dapat menerima data. Seperti pada pesawat telepon, media transmisi yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua buah telepon adalah kabel. Setiap peralatan elektronika memiliki media transmisi yang berbeda-beda dalam pengiriman datanya.